Asbestos Physical Exam

Keeping Business Healthy

Maintain a healthy workforce while reducing losses.

A Partner In Health

For years, heat- and corrosion-resistant minerals known as asbestos were used to make a variety of commercial products, from insulation and fireproofing materials, to automotive brakes, textile products, and cement and wallboard materials. While the use of asbestos has decreased, these minerals are still found in many residential and commercial settings, posing a serious threat to workers’ health.

When handled, asbestos can separate into microscopic-sized particles that remain in the air and are easily inhaled. Any exposure to asbestos fibers can contribute to injury and life-threatening diseases, including asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma.

Stay in Compliance with OSHA with Asbestos Physical Exams

Our providers are specially-trained to identify and respond to asbestos-related diseases and symptoms. We travel to your worksite to provide annual physical exams, and perform chest x-rays as needed. Employees will need a chest x-ray every five years within the first ten years of exposure.

The Asbestos Physical Exam Consist Of

Experienced Physicians

Your health is your most important asset. You should entrust it only to the best professionals.

Personalized Treatment

Treatment choices perfectly match to your goals of for physical recovery.

Quality and Safety

All team members at My Medical Clinic have been trained thoroughly to deliver the best in healthcare.

Watch the video below to learn more about the risks of asbestos exposure.


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